Bronwyn Hughes Art

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The Art of Weaving

Throughout my life, I have been drawn to how things work, craving the knowledge of the steps, beyond what the eyes see. This curiosity has brought me to the art that I do. Every form these days takes many hours to create a piece, if not days. The art of weaving is one that requires multiple steps taken before I even begin weaving. This allows me to connect with the yarn and its quality and really get to know the intimacy of fabric. In today’s fast moving world and especially fast fashion, our disconnect to the fiber can be lost in our desire to stay current. I however believe that timeless art and pieces is the key to our future. Saving our pennies for few, well made items that we can build a relationship with over time is something I believe in and my art represents. Whatever we consume, we are using our money with each purchase as a vote. Whether you choose organic food or not, you are making a vote. Whether you invest in a local artists’ clothing or shop at h & m you are making a vote. I feel more now than ever we need to view our purchases as such and choose the sustainable, community focused choices.

photo by Kim Jay Photography